
Monster girl quest paradox english patch 2.11
Monster girl quest paradox english patch 2.11

So then i type in my specific file and it doesn’t go. click it, extract with 7zip to ‘monsterGirlQuest/’ then get ‘CRC failed’ and arc.nsa file broken, then do what someone else said and make my own file in downloads and then repeat my 7zip extraction and get files with some weird symbol in between them. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to extract to a specific file, i get the download.

monster girl quest paradox english patch 2.11

My problem is i’m an idiot and have no clue how to work a computer unless it’s used in basic terms. Please add a detailed explanation on how to just extract passed the downloading. sorry if i’m raging but i’m sick of all the people just giving brief explanations that don’t make sense.

monster girl quest paradox english patch 2.11

I saw ‘just download and extract then done’ ‘just do this’ not everyone understands how to extract a freaking file. You guys suck at explaining how to extract files … you need to add a detailed explanation for people who have no clue what they’re doing. You might panic if you notice your skill points are blue, but don’t worry if that happens, they simply changed the mechanic so that these blue ones represent 5 skill points to make it easier to keep track of how many you have. Part three has the same process but with a few more steps, there should be a file there with the instructions. Play part 2 and use the import options under the \Extras\ tab. You will also need to go into part 1 save files and copy the file under the name: global.sav, and likewise overrite the file of the same name in part 2. Importing the data from part 1 requires you to copy the file called arc.nsa and ONLY THIS ONE over the file that’s in part 2’s contents. To get the second part, follow the \Monster Girl Quest 2 – Game\ hyperlink under the Related links, it’s longer, but simply repeat the same general process for part 1 to get the second part of the game.

monster girl quest paradox english patch 2.11

English users need to extract those three parts at the same time, and then extract the english patch separately, then copy the contents of the english patch into the extracted parts of the game, replacing the files. It’s also why extracting one of them by itself doesn’t work, they’re all made together so they have to be extracted together, in my case using 7zip.

monster girl quest paradox english patch 2.11

Well, now that I’ve had my turn and troubles, I have a message for those who are supposedly having trouble with part 2, etc.įirstly, the three links under \DA-free: Game Download\ is only the content for the FIRST part of the game, as in the first third of the game is made up of those three downloads.

Monster girl quest paradox english patch 2.11