
Premiere pro
Premiere pro

Most applications have keyboard shortcuts to save you mouse clicks. Books on Premiere Pro and After Effects.Workshop: Build a Motion Graphics package for your company.

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Let me create Motion Graphics Templates for your company.Motion Graphic Templates for Premiere Pro.Workshop: Build a Motion Graphics package for your company (EN).Create Lottie animations for apps and the web in After Effects.Premiere Pro and After Effects Training (EN).Workshop: Lag Videografikk-pakke til din bedrift.Kurs i lydmiks og lydfiksing in Adobe Audition.Lær å lage Lottie-animasjoner for apper og web i After Effects.After Effects kurs for viderekomne (NO).Key Terms: aspect ratio, rule of thirds, foreground, background, color, tone, contrast, cropping, depth of field, field of view, types of shots include: close-up (CU), extreme close-up (ECU), medium close-up (MCU), medium shot (MS), wide shot (WS), long shot (LS), extreme long shot (ELS), background (BG or bg), foreground (FG or fg), over-the-shoulder (OTS), point of view (POV), cutaway, etc. Define common photographic and cinematic composition terms and principles. Key Concepts: sequencing shots, cuts (L and J cuts, cross cutting, match cuts, cutting on the action, cutaway, montage, jump cut), transitions, compositing, audio levels, mixing, background music, narration, sound effects, still images used in video (file formats and image specifications), titles Identify general editorial principles and guidelines for video. Key Concepts: following the action leading in and out of shots to give editors time to cut matching shots zooms and pans wide vs. Communicate visually using standard film/video timing techniques. 1.5 Demonstrate knowledge of basic editorial principles and best practices employed in the video industry.

Premiere pro